Some of us know Bob Murno from the movie "RV", Teddy Roosevelt from "Night at the Museum" but without doubt we all know who the Genie from the movie "Aladdin," was. We all know how much the Genie wished to be free and not be trapped in the lamp any longer. Aladdin in the movie asked the Genie if he was a prisoner, and the Genie replied with "It's all part and parcel, the whole genie gig, Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space!" Robin Williams, committed suicide on August 11,2014. We only saw what Williams would allow us to see from his personal life, but in the movies all we would see is happiness, we saw a happiness that didn't exist in his life. Williams felt like the Genie in real life. He felt like a prisoner because he was trapped in his own thoughts. Williams is a perfect example that suicide is something that can happen to anyone no matter how happy they may seem. You may feel like suicide is overpowering you, but with the correct people, they will help you survive that phase in life. Trying to admit that you're suicidal is not easy but thats the first step to a better life, don't stay quite and help yourself out by calling a hotline (1-800-273-8255) or talking to a professional.
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